Monday, March 28, 2011

The earthquake and tsunami struck Japan

An earthquake measuring 9.0 Richer Scala, based in the offshore area east of the Oshika Peninsula on 11 March 2011 at 05:46 local time, at a depth ranging from 24.4 kilo meters.

Which resulted in tsunami waves as high as 10 meters. Which eventually led to the destruction of most of the rest of mainland Japan and cause thousands of casualties claimed by the falling rubble and the waves of the tsunami.

Lots of losses and damages caused by tsunami waves in such that we can see on television news shows and in the media - other information media such as houses, cars, boats, etc. carried by the waves of the tsunami destroyed and is now a mess like a pile - a pile of garbage.

Not to mention other damage due to earthquake shocks, which cause damage to the central power plants that generate nuclear explosions and nuclear radiation is harmful to the environment of life in the region.

Strength of 9.0 quake reportedly made ​​the largest ever earthquake shook the Japanese archipelago in its history.

We hope Japan could soon rise again and restore its nuclear reactor in order not to cause immediate danger of nuclear radiation are increasingly endangering the life of this nature.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The story of Noah's boat that had saved some of the People and animals peliarannya at the time.

In a book of sacred history, writing the story of Noah's boat that had protected and saved himself and his people who remain faithful to the teachings of his faith, from a flood event is very Strikes due to very heavy rain for many months.

And now has become a legend is quite amazing, because now precisely in a high mountain areas in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey there is a mountainous terrain that forms like a boat, and this will be evident when viewed from the side of the mountains.

Many fossils of the opinion that the prophet Noah's boat which has now become a sign of the magic stone that can still be viewed. That has formed around 6000 years ago.

Photo taken from site inilah dotcom