Monday, May 16, 2011

WP InstantPay

You've been there. You've done that. Some take high fees or cost BIG bucks. Others encourage customers to refund. Many are just too damn complicated. And meanwhile, you're just not reaching your sales goals...sheesh!
There's Got To Be An Easier Way!...

Ladies and gentlemen, BIG Mike has turned on the Fasten Seat Belt sign. If you haven’t already done so, please stow your Old Affiliate Programs underneath the seat in front of you or in an overhead bin. Please take your seat and fasten your seat belt. And also make sure your seat back and folding trays are in their full upright and locked positions.
WP InstantPay Has Landed!

This WordPress Plugin is the ultimate blend of the best of two worlds - the most popular blogging platform online with PayPal, the most used payment processor on the Internet!
Using PayPal's Adaptive Payments API, combined with WordPress' API, We've developed a complete Sales Processing and Order Fulfillment system replete with the coolest Affiliate program on the planet!
You heard right - in fact, you won't need to rotate sales with affiliates, waste time trying to figure out who has to be paid what, worry about refunds after an affiliate was paid or even sweat out the tax issues, because...
PayPal Automatically Splits The Payments!

When your customer arrives at PayPal, if they did so through an affiliate, WP InstantPay works with PayPal to split the payment between the affiliate, seller and even an Equity Partner if you have one - how cool is that?
Can you imagine how many affiliates you'll be able to attract when they know they're getting paid in real time? During every single sale? You're going to explode your sales volume because there's no waiting...and that's a huge incentive for affiliates to promote your products!
Take a look at theses explainers:
PayPal Adaptive Payments | WordPress Integration | Documentation

WP InstantPay is the LAST Affiliate Program you'll ever need to spend money on! And to make sure, upgrades are FREE for the lifetime of the program - no upsells, no hidden OTO's, just a once off purchase.
Now before you buy, make sure that you've read our legal documentation (links at the bottom of this page), checked out the system requirements and most importantly, understand that as a non-tangible, digital product, we do not offer refunds on it, ever.
Before I forget, you can install and use as many copies of WP Instantpay as you want, as long as you own the domain and are using your PayPal account - sweet, huh?
The price for WP InstantPay is currently $67, but may be going up as we deploy new features and functionality. Fortunately, you can easily earn that back and then some as an affiliate earning 50% for every sale!
NOTE: If you arrived at this page through one of our affiliates, their commission and contact information will be detailed on your PayPal receipt, per PayPal's Acceptable Use Policy.

(PayPal Has Reviewed, Tested And Approved This Application For Use!)

All The Best,

P.S. - We've got some big plans for WP InstantPay - recurring payments, coupon codes, etc. - the sky is the absolute limit for what we'll be rolling out and as a customer, you'll get these additions at no charge, ever!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The discovery of the statue of Amenhotep III

There is new news from Egypt, who reportedly has been found again a huge statue whose height reached 13 meters

That reportedly, according to archaeologists is the giant statue of a very famous Egyptian Pharaoh Amenhotep III, the temple of his grave in the city of Luxor, southern Egypt, according to the archaeological service, on Tuesday (26 / 4).

The statue was found in 7 sections in the temple Amenhoten III in Kom al-Hitan. that had been buried for so long.

Due destroyed when an earthquake that hit the city in the year 27 BC, according to ancient Egyptian official statement.

It is said that the statue is a statue of twins in a display at the entrance to the temple to the north.

Now who still look for is the head of the statue which was not recovered.

Amenhotep III, was an Egyptian emperor who ruled Egypt between the years 1390 to 1352 BC, which is the father of Akhenaten, the "heretic Pharaoh" who is considered as the driving force monotheism doctrine because he imposed rules for the sole worship of the god Aten

Monday, March 28, 2011

The earthquake and tsunami struck Japan

An earthquake measuring 9.0 Richer Scala, based in the offshore area east of the Oshika Peninsula on 11 March 2011 at 05:46 local time, at a depth ranging from 24.4 kilo meters.

Which resulted in tsunami waves as high as 10 meters. Which eventually led to the destruction of most of the rest of mainland Japan and cause thousands of casualties claimed by the falling rubble and the waves of the tsunami.

Lots of losses and damages caused by tsunami waves in such that we can see on television news shows and in the media - other information media such as houses, cars, boats, etc. carried by the waves of the tsunami destroyed and is now a mess like a pile - a pile of garbage.

Not to mention other damage due to earthquake shocks, which cause damage to the central power plants that generate nuclear explosions and nuclear radiation is harmful to the environment of life in the region.

Strength of 9.0 quake reportedly made ​​the largest ever earthquake shook the Japanese archipelago in its history.

We hope Japan could soon rise again and restore its nuclear reactor in order not to cause immediate danger of nuclear radiation are increasingly endangering the life of this nature.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011


The story of Noah's boat that had saved some of the People and animals peliarannya at the time.

In a book of sacred history, writing the story of Noah's boat that had protected and saved himself and his people who remain faithful to the teachings of his faith, from a flood event is very Strikes due to very heavy rain for many months.

And now has become a legend is quite amazing, because now precisely in a high mountain areas in the mountains of Ararat in Turkey there is a mountainous terrain that forms like a boat, and this will be evident when viewed from the side of the mountains.

Many fossils of the opinion that the prophet Noah's boat which has now become a sign of the magic stone that can still be viewed. That has formed around 6000 years ago.

Photo taken from site inilah dotcom